About me

Hi, I'm Astrid. I'm a Software Engineer and I'm passionate about helping people gain interest and grow confidence in their tech skills.

I'm a self-taught engineer and still remember well how daunting it was for me to first open a terminal and start writing simple programmes. After about a year of late night studying, hacking and bursts of impostor syndrome, I started a job as a Software developer. That's now 5 years ago. It is not an easy journey and requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but it is doable. I hope this workshop inspires people to build other projects on their own, spark interest and increase self-confidence.

Before I started my career in tech I worked in research as a pharmacologist and before that as a pharmacist in various roles. I'm still a big science nerd and can often be found studying neuroscience books in Glaswegian coffee places. :)

Apart from running these workshops, I enjoy wood working, any kind of DIY, hiking and spending time in nature.

This is me
Connect with me on Linkedin: linkedin link